Filter Apparatus:- Complete with flask,gooch crucible with sintered disc of porosity G-1 or G-2 or G-3 or G-4,glass adapter and rubber.
Catalogue No. Flask Cap. Crucible Cap.
807/01 250 30
807/02 500 30
807/03 1000 50
Filter Apparatus:- Complete with filter flask with socket and buchner funnel with sintered disc of porosity G-1 or G-2 or G-3 or G-4 having cone.
Catalogue No. Flask Cap. Crucible Cap.
808/01 250 80
808/02 500 200
808/03 1000 500
808/04 2000 1000
Filter Apparatus:- Catalog No.809:- For bacteriological use consisting of a sintered buncher funnel capacity 80 ml.,porosity G-4,with inverted B 29 ground joint and an erlenmeyer flask ground to of capacity 250 ml.